Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's Not My Movie

This morning I was reading Psalm 25. I highly recommend it. I've been reading it regularly for a while now. It's got pretty much all of life squashed in there. Anyway, one point that is made perfectly clear is that Jesus teaches, guides, shows us his way. He's not helping me along my way. This is his movie, not mine. I have a supporting role, at best. Need to keep that in perspective.

Speaking of movies, though, I was thinking of putting my headshots and resume on a USB flash drive and taking/sending them to agents. Don't know if that would make any difference, but I think it will be worth a try.

I've been blessed with seeing a lot of people I care about over this holiday week. It seems a lot of the time I feel like people are an annoyance, in my way. But I've been blessed with great people in my life. It's been so much fun to catch up with them.

Rehearsals are underway for You Can't Take It With You. I'm going to love playing Essie. I need to learn some basic ballet steps and get a kind of choreography down. I was fitted for my tutu last night. So excited!

Monday, December 28, 2009


I'm thinking about goals for 2010. What's realistic? What will stretch me? What will challenge me? What do I want to get done? What do I need to get done, but don't really want to do? What kind of person do I want to be? Where do I want my life to go? I love the process, and the opportunity each New Year brings to go through this exercise.

I want to practice keeping my eyes on Jesus. He knows the way I should go. Only he can release my feet from the snare.

I want to learn to be a better actress. When I watch myself on video, I don't really like what I see. I think I talk too fast. I don't emote, or whatever the word is. I want to be more aware of that and work to make it better. I want to take some classes and get some objective feedback.

I want to practice diligence and generosity.

I want to travel and see places with my own eyes.

I want to take steps and not just think about it or wish for it.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I was thinking about people who don't like to spend the holidays with their family, either blood relatives or in-laws. I'm blessed that that's never been a problem for me, but I'm sure there were Christmases where my mom wished she didn't have to spend the day at her mother-in-law's house. But she did it for the sake of her husband and children. And that's what Christmas is. Sacrifices for the people you love. God gave up his place in heaven, his glory, his rightful place in the universe to come be with the people he loved.

I'm grateful he did. He's awesome.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Hey everyone. I went to see the last show at the Boarshead Theatre this weekend. My friend Carolyn was in it. She was awesome, as usual, but I was also impressed with the other women in the cast, as well as the director. The show was a compilation of a series of conversations the author had during several trips to Israel. It was staged and performed brilliantly. I really liked it.

Carolyn, BTW, is the writer of the Rogue Critic blog. She's got a great perspective and is an amazing writer, so check her out.

First rehearsal for You Can't Take It With You tonight. I'm very excited!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Time

Hey all, whoever you are!

I've been away a long time, haven't I? I've been thinking about this space, though, and hopefully I'll be back more often. I never think I've got anything to say, but there's other things to do here, I guess.

I'm starting my annual list of goals for the next year. What do I want to do in 2010? Where do I want to go, literally, figuratively, spiritually, professionally? There's a fine line between a guided life and just floating with the current. Does that make sense?

Anyway, I love this time of year, not only because I look forward but because I celebrate that Jesus came. The most important event that ever happened.

So I'll try to be back sooner.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lots to Update

Last post on July 22!!!! That's crazy! There is no way I can update all that has gone on. I got a new job, yay, and I am really liking it so far. I feel like the new kid a lot, but I'm telling myself it will go away and it will. I am learning new things and getting challenged and stretched. It will be good for me.

I am in a play too, Hamlet at SRO. I play Horatio and I love it. It's a great role in a great story. Yes, it runs more than 3 hours, but what are you going to do? It's some of the greatest words ever written in the English language, and I get to say some of them on stage. I love it.

I got my crawl space encapsulated. They injected foam into the cinder block and lined the whole thing with a rodent-proof liner and put on a tight door. No more mice in the house and hopefully no more frozen pipes. Floors should be warmer this winter too. I hope the heat bill goes down. These are all good things, and I'm looking at the big price tag as an investment.

I'm going to New York at the end of October. See a play, hang out with my NY peeps. I am praying for good weather and inspiration of things to do.

Christmas is less than three months away. Gotta start shopping soon, but when?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

VBS time again

It's that time of year - Vacation Bible School starts next Monday. I'm teaching 4th grad this year. I'm looking forward to it, mostly. It's an exhausting week, but it's fun and worth it. I'm stopping by the dollar store today to get my Bible verse candy. Don't let anyone fool you. The best way to get a kid to learn a Bible verse is to bribe them. Still undecided if I want to get the inflatable pool. We'll see.

I'm in the middle of another tap class, loving it. This year we're learning time-steps. Not easy, but lots of fun when you get it. I would love for this to help me get a cool role one day. If nothing else, it's teaching me about movement and weight distribution.

Hamlet audition at SRO on Monday. It's amazing how many idioms we use come from that play. "There's something rotten in Denmark." "Good night, sweet prince." Lots more. I hope I get a role.